art life-9/5/23
Pen & Ink in handmade journal. Sheeba Maya©2023
Theres been so much going on I can barely keep up with writing here. Bit I have been writing like mad. I made a small coptice binding pracitce book. It has so many mistakes! But it was still fun & I learned a lot. I’m already collecting materials for the next one. Writing down the major decisions first helps. What kind of cover? Signature/binding? Page materials/type? And this is after I first decide the context and contents.
After talking with Mommy and letting myself try somethings, I realized I was being a punk about working with fabric on covers. I just gotta try some small swatches & see what works.
A while ago, I was bummed cuz my structures arent ass good as I want them to be. (ah the sweet torture!) They dont keep up with other stuff im good at. But thats ok. My pages are fire. My structures will get there. that’s what this time is all about! I was feeling low cuz I wished I gave up comics years ago when the book bug first bit me. But I’ve collected a lot of skills that still apply.
Ink, Brush, dip pen, thoughts, self-portrait in handmade journal. Sheeba Maya ©2023.
Speaking of…(The) Center for Book Arts has a fellowship w/ my name written all over it. App due Oct 2 & I have a good head start. This would offer access to studio space, free classes. and a built in community…plus every reason to be in the city all the time! I’m grateful spirit led me to this. I identified & stated what I require & the universe presented a way. With packing, cleaning, repairs & plans to list the house, it’s a miracle it’s getting done. And it’s gettin done!!