Digital Collage

Quick Catch Up

I’ve spent the last couple of months writing endless proposals, dodging holiday chaos, and wrapping up a commission.  I’ve also been gearing up for 2025 and planning meaningful ways to use this platform to engage a community of like minded creatives and thinkers.  Things are cooking…

Mixing digital + Analog Processes

I had to put aside bookbinding for a tiny bit to make room for other creative tasks and pressing deadlines. But I was dying to be with my inks and such and just cut and glue something.

I couldn’t do that without risking burnout. But what I could do in my downtime was collage on my iPad using scans of my work.

I LOVED this process. I originally scanned these inks to print on fabric. In part to collab with fiber artist Glenda Richardson. I would also use this printed fabric for book covers. (Ugh i can’t wait to get back to this!). But it was a fun, light, and accessible challenge to see what little experimental collages I could come up with. I didn’t have to clear any space or wait for things to dry or worry about using up material.

This is the beauty of working digitally and bouncing between disciplines. It really frees me up to experimenting without stressing out over these things. It also sparked a ton of ideas to take this whole concept further.


Black Woman Genius


Hyperspacial : Mini Retrospective